Philatelia.Net / Beer / Countries / The directory «Countries»Ras al-KhaimaSheikhdom (1995 pop. 144,430), c.650 sq mi (1,680 sq km), part of the federation of seven United Arab Emirates, SE Arabia, on the Persian Gulf. Previously affiliated with Sharjah, Ras al-Khaimah became a separate sheikhdom under British protection in 1921. Oil production began in 1969. After some hesitation, the sheikhdom joined the United Arab Emirates in 1972. 1969, The Four Seasons (Abel Grimmer) 1972, Sapporo beer 1972, Sapporo beer 1972, Sapporo beer 1972, Propileus 1972, Statue of Bavaria 1972, Airport of Munich 1972, Alter Botanical garden 1972, National Theatre 1972, New City Hall 1972, Wittelshacherbrunnen 1972, Statue of Bavaria 1972, Statue of Bavaria Advertising: |
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