Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Bonapart / Plots /

The directory «Plots of stamps in the catalogue»

Cockburn George

Cockburn George (1772—1853)

Sir George Cockburn served under Nelson in various engagements and took an important part in the Anglo-American war of 1812. He showed his skill as a naval commander in the operations on the Chesapeake, Sassafras, and Potomac rivers. He co-operated with General Ross at the battles of Bladensburg and Baltimore, and after the former battle entered... More...

Ascension Island, 2001, Vice-Admiral Sir George Cockburn

Great Britain, 2009, Royal Marine, 1805

Great Britain, 2009, Royal Navy Admiral, 1795

Turks & Caicos, 1985, George Cockburn

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