Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Bonapart / Plots /

The directory «Plots of stamps in the catalogue»

Scharnghorst Gerhard von

Scharnghorst Gerhard von  (1755—1813)

A Hannoverian by birth, Gerhard von Scharnhorst served with his country's army until 1801. Sought out by the Prussians for his abilities at military theories, Scharnhorst rose up the ranks and in 1806 was chief-of-staff to the Duke of Brunswick. He was wounded during the Prussian humiliation at Auerstadt. Appointed to the task of recreating... More...

DDR, 1963, Generals von Scharnhorst and Kutuzov

German Federal Republic, 2005, 250th Birth Anniv of Scharnghorst


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