Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Bonapart / Stamps /

«New Don Quixote»

Series: Death Centenary of Moniuszko

«New Don Quixote»

Poland, 1972, 1.35 Zl. 11 (3/4). blue and gold

Michel: 2178
Scott: 1905
Stanley Gibbons: 2164
Yvert et Tellier: 2023

«Nowy Don Kichot, czyl Sto szaleństw» («The New Don Quixote, or 100 Follies») operetta in three acts (1841). Libretto by A. Fredro (after M. de Cervantes).

Plots: Fredro Alexander

© 2003-2024 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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