The directory «Plots»
(ca. 1275 – winter 1341)
Gediminas was the monarch of medieval Grand Duchy of Lithuania with the title didysis kunigaikštis, which would be literally translated as Grand Duke, but more correctly High King according to the contemporary perception. The later construct for its translation is Grand Duke (for its etymology, see Grand Prince). He was the ruler of the Grand... More...
Lithuania, 1920, Gediminas
Lithuania, 1920, Gediminas
Lithuania, 1932, Gediminas in Council
Lithuania, 1932, Founding of Vilnius
Lithuania, 1932, Russians surrendering to Gediminas
Lithuania, 1940, Gediminas
Lithuania, 1940, Gediminas
Lithuania, 1991, Trakai castle
Lithuania, 1991, Gediminas
Lithuania, 1991, Vilnius in XIV century
Lithuania, 1997, The letter of Gediminas (1323)
Lithuania, 1991.09.28,
Trakai. Trakai castle
Lithuania, 1991.09.28,
Vilnius. Gediminas