Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Fragments of Russian History / Plots /

The directory «Plots»

Botkin (Боткин) Sergei Petrovich

Botkin (Боткин) Sergei Petrovich (1832–1889)

Sergei Botkin was famous Russian clinicist, therapist and activist, one of the founders of modern Russian medical science and school. He introduced triage, pathological anatomy, post mortem diagnostics into Russian medical practice. During the Crimean War he work in military hospital in Simferopol. At the age of 29, in 1861, he became a Professor... More...

Russia, 2007, Sergei Botkin

USSR, 1949, Botkin, Pirogov and Sechenov

USSR, 1982, Sergei Botkin

Russia, 2007.08.14, Sankt-Petersburg. Sergey Botkin

USSR, 1982, Sergey Botkon


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