Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Artists»

Losenko (Лосенко) Anton Pavlovich

Losenko (Лосенко) Anton Pavlovich (1737—1773)

Anton Pavlovich Losenko was a Ukrainian-Russian Neoclassical painter who specialized in historical subjects and portraits. Anton was born to a family of a Ukrainian kossak. Soon he became an orphan and at the age of seven was sent to a Court Choir at Saint Petersburg. In 1753 as he lost his voice but had shown talents to the painting he was sent... More...

Guinea, 2011, Mikhail Lomonosov

USSR, 1956, Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav

USSR, 1972, Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav

Russia, 2004, Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav

Russia, 1992, 275th Birth Anniv of Alexander Sumarokov


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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