Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Artists»

Gorbunov (Горбунов) Kirill Antonovitch
(1822 or 1815 – 1893)

Russian painter and lithographer. Originated from a praedial serf’s family, was granted the release certificate at solicitation of K. P. Brullov , V. A. Zhukovski and M. F. Orlov in 1841. Was in Moscow art class, then was taught by Brullov at the Academy of Arts. Was awarded two small silver medals and bestowed a title of out-of-school painter.... More...

USSR, 1939, Mikhail Lermontov

USSR, 1948, Vissarion Belinsky

USSR, 1948, Vissarion Belinsky

USSR, 1948, Vissarion Belinsky

USSR, 1956/1957, Vissarion Belinsky, his books

USSR, 1959, Aleksey Koltsov

USSR, 1964, Mikhail Lermontov

USSR, 1959, Aleksey Koltsov

USSR, 1969, Aleksey Koltsov


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