Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / The literature / Countries /

The directory «Countries»



Tripolitania or Tripolitana is a historic region of western Libya, centered on the coastal city of Tripoli. Formerly part of the Ottoman Empire, Tripolitania was captured by Italy in 1911 during the Italo-Turkish War. Italy officially granted autonomy after the war, but gradually occupied the region. Originally administered as part of a single... More...

1930, Helenus and Anchises

1930, The passing legions

1930, Landing of Aeneas

1930, Earth's bounties

1930, Harvesting

1930, Rural life

1930, Aeneas sights Italy

1930, A sheperd's hut

1930, Turnus, King of Rutuli

1930, Aeneas and Eagle

1930, Aeneas and Eagle

1930, Aeneas and Eagle

1930, Aeneas and Eagle


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