Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / The literature / Plots /

The directory «Plots»

Orwell George
pseud. of Eric Arthur Blair

Orwell Georgepseud. of Eric Arthur Blair (1903–1950)

British novelist and essayist, b. Bengal, India. He is best remembered for his scathingly satirical and frighteningly political novels, Animal Farm and Nineteen Eighty-Four. After attending Eton, he served (1922–27) with the Indian imperial police in Burma (now Myanmar). He returned to Europe in 1927, living penuriously in Paris and later in... More...

Czech Republic, 2013, George Orwell, 1984

Guinea, 2010, Writers

Guinea, 2010, George Orwell

Mozambique, 2011, Writers

Mozambique, 2011, Writers

San-Marino, 1998, 1984


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