The directory «Plots»
Sumarokov (Сумароков) Aleksander Petrovich
Aleksander Sumarokov was a Russian poet and playwright who single-handedly created classical theatre in Russia, thus assisting Mikhail Lomonosov to inaugurate the reign of classicism in Russian literature.
Born of an awesome family of Muscovite gentry, Sumarokov was educated at the Cadet School in Petersburg, where he acquired an intimate... More...
Guinea, 2011, Mikhail Lomonosov
Russia, 2017, Fable «The Wolf And The Crane»
USSR, 1956, Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav
USSR, 1972, Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav
Russia, 1992.11.26,
Sankt-Petersburg. Alexander Sumarokov
Russia, 2004,
Actor Fyodor Volkov as Sinav
Russia, 1992,
275th Birth Anniv of Alexander Sumarokov