Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Plots»

Solera Temistocle

Solera Temistocle (1815—1878)

Temistocle Solera was an opera composer and librettist. Solera started out very young as a poet and novelist following studies in music and literature. Between 1840 and 1845 he composed four operas with his own librettos; none were successful. His fame as a librettist was affirmed only when he started working in collaboration with Giuseppe Verdi,... More...

Liberia, 2001, «Nabucco»

Liberia, 2001, Nabucco on horse

San-Marino, 2001, Verdi, «Nabucco»


© 2003-2024 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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