Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Plots»

Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich
Strugatsky Boris Natanovich

Strugatsky Arkady Natanovich (1925—1991)Strugatsky Boris Natanovich(1933—2012)

Arkady Natanovich Strugatsky and Boris Natanovich Strugatsky are probably the most famous Russian SF authors. They became the spiritual leaders of Russian science fiction literature in the 60-s, and to this day, their influence remains immense. Entire generations were brought up on their books, and the authors managed to impress their ideas and... More...

Russia, 2004, Actor Rolan Bikov, film «Aybolit-66»

Russia, 2005, Portrait of Arkady Strugatskiy


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