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Gabrielius Landsbergis-Žemkalnis and “Birutė”

Series: Centenary of first Lithuanian opera “Birutė”

Gabrielius Landsbergis-Žemkalnis and “Birutė”

Lithuania, 2006, 2 L. 13 (1/4) x 12 (3/4). multicoloured

Michel: 918
Scott: 821
Stanley Gibbons: 895
Yvert et Tellier: 799

The first Lithuanian opera “Birutė” was performed by the efforts of stage lovers in Vilnius on November 6, 1906. The premiere took place at Vilnius City Hall (present Lithuanian National Philharmonic).
The authors of the opera “Birutė” were composer Mikas Petrauskas and dramatist Gabrielius Landsbergis-Žemkalnis. The roles were played by famous of the time Lithuanian cultural persons Marija Šlapelienė and Kipras Petrauskas and others.
The staging of the first Lithuanian opera “Birutė” was a significant event in the history of Lithuanian culture.

Plots: Landsbergis-Žemkalnis Gabrielius

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