Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / The literature / Stamps /

Illustration from the book of Seifert

Series: Definitive stamps

Illustration from the book of Seifert

Czech Republic, 2008, 10 Kc. 13 x 13 (1/2). multicoloured

Michel: 572
POFIS: 573
Scott: 3394
Stanley Gibbons: 556
Yvert et Tellier: 516

Josef Paleček´s illustration from the children´s book of Jaroslav Seifert (Das Lied vom Apfelbaum, issued in Curych in 1985) Printing sheet is decorated in the right-hand border with motif of bunny with quarterfoil, 2 coupons below bores the logo of World Stamp Exhibition PRAGA 2008, the printed sheet has 9 stamps and 12 coupons. The coupons designed for the day of issue will bear a drawing of snail with flower; the empty coupons in the other printed sheets will be additionally printed according to the client’s order.

Plots: Seifert Jaroslav

Illustration from the book of Seifert
© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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