Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Literature for children / Countries /

The directory «Countries»

United States of America

United States of America

1940, Washington Irwing

1940, Fenimore Cooper

1940, Louisa May Alcott

1940, Mark Twain

1948, Joel Harris

1950, Casey Jones

1966, Johnny Appleseed

1967, Davy Crockett

1972, Illustration for «The Adventures of Tom Sawyer»

1974, The Headless Horseman

1982, Ragged Dick

1984, McÑormack as Edgardo

1990, The Wizard of Oz

1993, Huckleberry Finn

1993, Little Women

1993, Rebecca

1993, Little House on the Praire

1994, James Thurber

1996, Paul Banyan

1996, John Henry

1996, Pecos Bill

1997, Lily Pons as Lucia

1998, Snow White

1999, The Cat in the Hat

2001, Br'er Rabbit

2001, Captain Bill Bones

2004, Dr. Seuss and his heroes

2004, Bambi and Trumper

2004, Pinocchio and Jiminy

2005, Mad Hatter and Alice

2005, Ariel and Flounder

2005, Snow White and Dopey

2006, The Very hungry caterpillar

2006, Wilbur

2006, Fox in Socks

2006, Maisy

2006, Wild Thing

2006, Curious George

2006, Olivia

2006, Frederick

2006, Cinderella and Prince

2006, The Beauty and the Beast

2006, Judy Garland as Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz

2007, Harriet Beecher Stowe

2007, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell

2007, Dumbo and Timothy Mouse

2008, Pongo and poppy

2008, Princess Aurora

2008, Mowgli and Baloo

2009, Lassie

2011, Mark Twain

2012, Edgar Burroughs and Tarzan

1993.07.24, Westport. Fox as Holmes with magnifier

1994.01.08, Honoring Arthur Conan Doyle

1996.04.20, Syracuse. The Mycroft Holmes Society of Syracuse

1997.05.09, Anaheim. Honoring Arthur Conan Doyle

1999.11.04—07, Tryon. Sherlock Holmes Festival

2005.06.30, Anaheim. Thinkerbell

2007.08.16, Orlando. Dumbo

2008.08.07, Anaheim. Fairy

2012.08.17, Sacramento. Edgar Burroughs

2012.08.17, Tarzana. Edgar Burroughs

2012.08.17, Tarzana. Tarzan

1985, 150th Birth Anniv of Mark Twain

2004, Bambi

2004, Pinocchio

2004, Bambi and Trumper

2004, Pinocchio and Jiminy

2005, Alice and the Mad Hatter

2005, Ariel and Flounder

2005, Snow White and Dopey

2006, Cinderella and Prince

2006, The Beauty and the Beast

2007, Dumbo and Timothy Mouse

2007, Peter Pan and Tinker Bell

2008, Mowgli and Baloo

2008, Pongo and poppy

2008, Princess Aurora


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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