Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / French revolution / Artists /

The directory «Artists»

Le Barbier Jean-Jacques-François

Like other artists of his time, Jean-Jacques François Le Barbier rejected the lighthearted grace of the Rococo in favor of the straightforward severity of Neoclassicism. His subjects, often vignettes from Greek and Roman mythology and history, served as illustrations for the newfound morality and patriotism of the French during and after the... More...

Benin, 1989, Storming the Bastille, french stamp

Central African Republic, 1989, Declaration of Rights of Man

Cote d’Ivoire, 1989, Bastille and detail of Declaration of Rights of Man

France, 1989, Declaration of Rights of Man

Ghana, 1989, Declaration of Human Rights

Mozambique, 1989, Declaration of Human Rights

Nicaragua, 1989, La Marseillaise

Vanuatu, 1989, Revolt of French troops, Nancy,1790

USSR, 1989, International Philatelic Exhibition «PHILEXFRANCE'89»


© 2003-2024 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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