Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Artists»

Edelfelt Albert

Edelfelt Albert (1854—1905)

Finland-Swedish painter. Albert Edelfelt was born in Porvoo, Finland. His father Carl Albert was an architect. Edelfelt admired Johan Ludvig Runeberg who was a friend to the family. He studied in Antwerp (1873—1874), Paris (1874—1878) and St. Petersburg (1881—1882). He married baroness Ellan de la Chapellen in 1888 with who he had one child.

Cameroon, 1985, Louis Pasteur

Central African Republic, 1985, Louis Pasteur

Comoren Islands, 2009, Louis Pasteur

Congo, 2001, Louis Paster

Dominica, 1997, Louis Paster

Gabon, 1995, Louis Pasteur

Ghana, 1995, Louis Pasteur, perfection of Brewer's Yeast Culture

India, 1995, Louis Pasteur

Madagaskar, 1996, Louis Pasteur

Malta, 1995, Louis Pasteur

Pakistan, 1995, Louis Pasteur

S. M. O. M., 1985, Louis Pasteur

Senegal, 1995, Louis Pasteur

Syria, 1995, Louis Pasteur

Turkey, 1985, Louis Pasteur


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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