Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Beer / Stamps /

Lesser Town

Series: World Stamp Exhibition PRAGA 2008

Lesser Town

Czech Republic, 2007, 7.5 Kč. 11 (3/4) x 11 (1/4). multicoloured

Michel: 507
POFIS: 508
Scott: 3337
Stanley Gibbons: 498
Yvert et Tellier: 462

This issue is designed to promote the World Stamp Exhibition PRAGA 2008 which is to be held on September 12-14, 2008 at the Prague-Holešovice Exhibition Grounds.
The Prague preservation area of Lesser Town is one of the most attractive highlights of Prague. The King Přemysl Otakar II founded the so-called New Town below Prague Castle, called from the early 14th century the Lesser Town of Prague, in the outer castle settlement in the area of today's Lesser Town Square. The Emperor Charles IV substantially extended the settlement by including the neighbouring settlements and erecting new walls (the so-called Hungry Wall). The today's shape of the Lesser Town comes mainly from the 17th and 18th century, the time of construction of pompous baroque palaces, churches and monasteries. In 1784 the Lesser Town lost its status of an independent town and became one of the districts of the united Prague.
The postage stamp commemorating the 750th anniversary of foundation of the Lesser Town features a detail of Langweil's model of Prague, a unique work of art, document and rarity. The model was created in 1826-1837. Its author, Antonín Langweil (1791-1837), detailed with a maximum accuracy the colours of face walls, house signs, inscriptions and numbers as well as different types of roofs. One can see piles of wood, small walls and ladders on the back yards. The model sized 5.76 m by 3.24 m is displayed in the Museum of the City of Prague. The detail on the postage stamp features the Lesser Town Square with the former town hall, Smiřický Palace and Sternberg Houses on the northern side of the square, St Nicholas' Church, the former Jesuit college and the neighbouring blocks of houses. The coupon features the southern part of the square.

Plots: Prague

Lesser Town

Czech Republic, 2007.03.14, Prague. Lesser Town

© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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