Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Beer / Stamps /

Czecoslovak stamp № 376

Series: Czech Stamp Producting

Czecoslovak stamp № 376

Czech Republic, 2003, 6.40 Kc. 11 (1/4) х 11 (3/4). multicoloured

Michel: 346
POFIS: 347
Scott: 3192
Stanley Gibbons: 354
Yvert et Tellier: 321

Engraved transcription of Jan C. Vondrouš and engraver Karel Seizinger s stamp of St. Vitus Cathedral of Prague Castle, originally issued in 1937.

The stamp booklet with 8 stamps and 4 coupons will be issued in the same time.

Plots: Prague

Czecoslovak stamp № 376

© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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