Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Bonapart / Plots /

The directory «Plots of stamps in the catalogue»

Stein Karl Freiherr vom und zum

Stein Karl Freiherr vom und zum (1757—1831)

Prussian statesman and reformer. Rising through the Prussian bureaucracy, he became minister of commerce (1804–7) but was dismissed by King Frederick William III for his attempts to increase the power of the heads of the ministries. He was recalled (1807) as chief minister after Prussia's defeat by the French only to be dismissed again (1808) on... More...

DDR, 1953, Baron von Stein

DDR, 1963, Arndt and Baron von Stein

German Federal Republic, 1957, Baron von Stein

German Federal Republic, 2007, Karl Freiherr vom und zum Stein

German Federal Republic, 2007.10.11, Berlin. Baron von Stein

German Federal Republic, 2007.10.11, Bonn. Baron von Stein

Germany, 1931, Freiherr vom Stein

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