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Poniatowski Stanisław August II

Poniatowski Stanisław August II (1732—1798)

Stanisław II August Poniatowski was the last King and Grand Duke of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth (1764–1795). He was the son of Count Stanisław Poniatowski, Castellan of Kraków, and Princess Konstancja Czartoryska; brother of Michał Jerzy Poniatowski, (1736 - Roman Catholic Primate Cardinal of Poland 1784 - 1794), Primate... More...

Poland, 1991, Oath by king Stanisław August Poniatowski

Poland, 1991, Constitution of 3 May 1791

Poland, 1995, Envelope from Stanisław II August Poniatowski

Poland, 2000, Stanisław August Poniatowski

Poland, 2001, Stanisław August Poniatowski


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