Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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Gide André

Gide André (1869–1951)

French writer. He established a reputation as an unconventional novelist with The Immoralist (1902, tr. 1930), a partly autobiographical work in which he portrays a young man contravening ordinary moral standards in his search for self-fulfillment. In this and other major novels, including Strait Is the Gate (1909, tr. 1924), Lafcadio’s Adventures... More...

Cote d’Ivoire, 1978, Andre Gide

France, 1969, Andre Gide

Luxemburg, 2001, Andre Gide

Palau, 2001, Andre Gide

Paraguay, 1977, Medal of Nobel prize of Literature

France, 1969.05.17, Paris. Andre Gide


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