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The directory «Plots»

Aristotle (Αριστοτέλης)
(384–322 B.C.)

Aristotle (Αριστοτέλης)(384–322 B.C.)

Greek philosopher, b. Stagira. He is sometimes called the Stagirite.Aristotle’s father, Nicomachus, was a noted physician. Aristotle studied (367–347 B.C.) under Plato at the Academy and there wrote many dialogues that were praised for their eloquence. Only fragments of these dialogues are extant. He tutored (342–c.339 B.C.) Alexander the Great at... More...

Ajman, 1972, The School of Athens

Ajman, 1972, The School of Athens

Ajman, 1972, The School of Athens

Belgium, 1932, Mercier with busts of Aristotle

Belgium, 1932, Mercier with busts of Aristotle

Comoren Islands, 1977, Nobel prize winners

Cyprus, 1978, Bust of Aristotle

Gibraltar, 2009, Aristotle

Greece, 1956, Aristotle

Greece, 1978, Bust of Aristotle

Greece, 1978, The School of Athens

Greece, 1978, Map of Chalkididiki and statue plinth

Greece, 1978, Aristotle the Wise (Bysantine fresco)

Greece, 1992, Bust of Aristotle and Makedonia

Grenada Grenadines, 1993, Aristotle with the Bust of Homer

Guinea, 2007, Tony Estanguet, Aristotle

Guinea, 2009, Aristotle, Goethe

Korea Nord, 1983, The School of Athens

Liberia, 1973, Aristotle, Ptolemy and Copernicus

Mali, 1978, Aristotle

Manama, 1972, Aristotle with the Bust of Homere

Mexico, 1978, Aristotle

Mexico, 1978, Statue of Aristotle

Redonda, 1987, Aristotle

Sao Tome e Principe, 2008, Naturalists

Sierra Leone, 1983, The School of Athens

Spain, 1986, Aristotle

Uruguay, 1996, Aristotle

Vatican, 1997, Aristotle describing the Species

YAR, 1968, The School of Athens

Greece, 1978.07.10, Athens. Aristotle


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