The directory «Plots»
Lunacharsky (Луначарский) Anatoly Vasilievich
Anatoly Lunacharsky was a Russian Marxist revolutionary and the first Soviet People's Commissar of Enlightenment responsible for culture and education. He was active as an art critic and journalist throughout his career.Lunacharsky became a Marxist at the age of fifteen. He studied at Zurich University for two years without taking a degree. While... More...
USSR, 1975, Anatoly Lunacharsky
Ukraine, 2000.11.23,
Poltava. Anatoly Lunacharsky
USSR, 1965.11.23,
Poltava. 90th Birth anniv of Lunacharsky
USSR, 1975.11.23,
Poltava. Birth centenary of Lunacharsky
Ukraine, 2000,
Anatoly Lunacharsky
USSR, 1975,
Anatoly Lunacharsky