The directory «Plots»
Nechuy-Levitsky (Нечуй-Левицкий) Ivan Semenovich
Ukrainian Realist novelist of the postserfdom reform period. He drew upon his background as a seminary student and, later, a provincial teacher, to depict the educated and lower classes in some of the earliest social novels in Ukrainian literature. His works include «The Intruder» (1869), «Clouds» (1874).
Ukraine, 2008.11.25,
Stebliv. Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky
USSR, 1988.11.25,
Poltava. 150th Birth anniv of Nechuy-Levitsky
Ukraine, 1998,
Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky
Ukraine, 2008,
Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky
USSR, 1988,
Ivan Nechuy-Levitsky