Literature for children
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Countries»

Bundesrepublik Deutschland

Bundesrepublik Deutschland

1958, Max and Moritz

1958, Wilhelm Busch

1959, Feeding the Poor

1959, Clothing the Naked

1959, Bounty from Heaven

1959, Brothers Grimm

1960, Little Riding Red Hood meeting Wolf

1960, Wolf in a bed and Little Riding Red Hood

1960, Woodcutter and dead wolf

1960, Little Riding Red Hood with grandmother

1961, Hansel and Gretel in the Wood

1961, Hansel, Gretel and the Witch

1961, Hansel in the Witch's cage

1961, Hansel, Gretel and father

1962, The Magic Mirror

1962, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

1962, The Poisoned Apple

1962, Snow White and Prince

1963, Mother Goat warning Kids

1963, Wolf entering house

1963, Wolf threatening kids

1963, Mother Goat dancing with Kids

1964, The Witch and young princess

1964, Princess and old woman

1964, Prince and the Sleeping Beauty

1964, On the kitchen

1965, Cinderella with Birds

1965, Cinderella and Birds with dress

1965, Prince offering slipper to Cinderella

1965, Cinderella and Prince on the horse

1966, Princess and the Frog

1966, Frog dining with Princess

1966, Prince and Princess

1966, Prince and Princess in coach

1967, Girl at Spinning-wheel

1967, Mother Hulda in the clouds

1967, Girl under gold ring

1967, Girl under soot ring

1970, Von Munchausen on Severed Horse

1970, Jan Amos Komensky

1971, Puss in Boots

1977, Wilhelm Hauff

1978, Piper and Children

1978, Janusz Korczak

1979, Anne Frank

1982, Silhouette

1982, Good Helena

1985, Brothers Grimm

1987, Winnetou

1990, Widow Bolte

1990, Moritz asleep

1990, Max and Moritz sawing ttrogh bridge

1990, Max and Moritz

1994, Little Pauline

1994, Johnny Head-in-the-Air

1994, Slovenly Peter

1994, Naughty Frederich

1994, Fidget-Philipp

1994, Hegenbeck and animals

1997, The Fishman and his Wife

1998, Maya the Bee

1998, Pumuckl

1999, Illustration of «Emil and the Detectives»

1999, Lars

2001, Pinocchio

2001, Pippi Longstocking

2001, Heidi and Peter

2001, Jim Knopf

2001, Tom Swyer and Huck Finn

2001, Schoolmaster Lampel

2004, Opera «Hansel and Gretel»

2005, Allegory of Andersen's fairy tales

2005, Andersen's Tale

2007, Hans Huckenbein, the unlucky Raven

2007, Astrid Lindgren

2008, Nils

2009, Johnny Head-in-the-Air

2012, Scene from Frog Prince

2012, Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales

2013, Tiger and Bear on the ship

2013, Tiger and Bear with gifts

2013, Tiger and Bear on the ship

2013, Tiger and Bear with gifts

1955.08.11, Munich. The Frog King

1958.01.09, Wiedensahl. Max and Moritz

1960.06.25, Bremen. Town Musicians of Bremen

1962.06.20, Bad Segeberg. Karl May's Games

1962.07.10, Steinau. Youth Paradise of brothers Grimm

1962.10.10, Bonn. Plat of Stars

1963.09.23, Bremen. Town Musicians of Bremen

1964.10.06, Bonn. Castle

1965.11.05, Wiedensahl. Max and Moritz

1966.10.05, Bonn. Frog King

1967.10.03, Bonn. Girl and Tree

1967.10.22, Kiel. Max and Moritz

1967.10.22, Kiel. Max and Moritz

1970.05.11, Bodenwerder. Munchausen

1970.05.11, Bonn. Von Munchausen

1970.11.12, Bonn. Jan Amos Komensky

1972.04.15, Hamm. Jules Verne

1976.05.03, Steinau. Land of tales of brothers Grimm

1976.09.15, Bodenwerder. Munchausen

1977.11.10, Bonn. Book

1978.05.22, Bonn. Piper from Hameln

1978.05.22, Hameln. Piper from Hameln

1978.07.13, Bonn. Janusz Korczak

1979.04.05, Hanau. Brothers Grimm

1979.05.17, Bonn. Rose

1982.01.13, Bonn. Musicians from Bremen

1982.04.15, Bonn. Women with letter

1982.10.03, Essen. Zeppelin over Little Mermaid

1982.10.17, Hoxter. Brothers Grimm

1983.08.09, Kelkheim. Max and Moritz

1984.01.30, Seesen. Max and Moritz

1985.01.10, Bonn. Grimm brothers

1985.06.01, Kessel. Dorothea Viehman

1986.01, Bremen. Town Musicians of Bremen

1987.02.12, Bonn. Indians

1987.02.25, Bamberg. Museum of Karl May

1987.10.08, Bad Segeberg. Karl May's Games

1990.04.19, Bonn. Teacher

1990.04.21, Wiedensahl. Men fall in river

1990.04.28, Backnang. Max

1990.04.28, Beckum. Grandmother

1990.04.28, Merchweiler. Moritz with letter

1990.04.29, Kiel. Max and Moritz

1990.04.29, Wertingen. Max

1991.04.04, Wiedensahl. Max and Moritz

1992.02.25, Hohenstein-Ernsthal. Karl May

1994.04.14, Bonn. Heinrich Hoffmann

1996/1997, Stadthagen. Max and Moritz

1997.05.07, Stuttgart. Wilhelm Hauff

1998.10.11, Stuttgart. Beauty and the Beast

1998.20.06, Wipperfurth. Von Munchausen

1999.02.18, Bonn. Erich Kastner

2000.07.17, Hamburg. Pippi

2001.06.13, Boostedt. Girl and Stars

2001.06.13, Dorfchemitz. Haidy

2001.06.13, Herford. Train

2001.06.13, Koblenz. Train of Lucas

2001.06.13, Neubrandenburg. Haidy

2001.06.13, Osterholz-Scharmbeck. Pinocchio

2001.06.13, Perleberg. Tom Sawyer

2001.06.13, St Ingbert. Pippi Longstocking

2001.06.19, Berlin. Pippi Longstocking

2001.06.30, Bad Segeberg. Indian

2001.07.01, Saarbrucken. Pinocchio

2001.08.09, Bonn. Teacher

2004.06.03, Plau. Puss in Boots

2004.09.09, Bonn. Hansel and Gretel

2005.04.07, Berlin. Little Mermaid

2005.04.07, Bonn. The Flying Trunk

2005.04.07, Dannewerk. H. C. Andersen

2006, Karl May Museum

2006.08.17, Gaimersheim. Max and Moritz

2007.05.03, Bonn. Elephants

2007.06.14, Berlin. Hans Huckenbein

2007.06.14, Berlin. Wilhelm Bush

2007.06.14, Bonn. Hans Huckenbein

2007.06.14, St. Ingbert. Hans Huckenbein

2007.06.14, Wiedensahl. Hans Huckenbein

2007.06.16, Herford. Max and Moritz

2007.06.23, Schwabisch Gmund. Hans Huckenbein

2007.10.26, Sindelfingen. Wilhelm Busch

2007.11.08, Berlin. Emil

2007.11.08, Bonn. Emil

2008.11.13, Berlin. Gooses

2008.11.13, Bonn. Nils on a goose

2009.06.04, Berlin. Rat

2009.06.04, Bonn. Cat

2010.05.07, Essen. Maya the Bee

2012.06.14, Berlin. Grimm Brothers

2012.06.14, Bonn. Grimm Brothers

2012.06.14, Bonn. Maya the Bee

2013.03.01, Berlin. Toy horse

2013.03.01, Bonn. Hare

2013.03.01, Bonn. Janosch

2013.09.21, Herford. Tiger

2002, Stamp with Hauff

2003, Konrad Lorenz

2005, Andesen's tales

2005, Andesen's tales

2007, Centenary of Hagenbeck Zoo

2012, Grimm Brothers’ Fairy Tales

1959, Town Musicians of Bremen

1977, Kassel. Museum of brother Grimm

1979, Bodenwerder. Statue of Münchausen

1986, Monument to brothers Grimm in Hanau

1986, Steinau. House of Grimm's family

1990, Max and Moritz

1992, Karl May

1994, Heinrich Hoffmann's Heroes

1997, Tale of Wilhelm Hauff

1997, Wilhelm Hauff

2004, Stamps with Poos in Boots

2004, Opera «Hansel and Gretel»


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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