Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Bonapart / Artists /

The directory «Artists»

Russel John

Russel John (1745—1806)

John Russell was an English painter renowned for his portrait work in oils and pastels, and as a writer and teacher of painting techniques. Born in Guildford, Surrey, he trained under the tutelage of Francis Cotes RA, one of the pioneers of English pastel painting, and – like Cotes – became an admirer of the pastel drawings of Rosalba Carriera.... More...

Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1974, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1977, Captain Bligh and George III

Aitutaki, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Aitutaki, 1989, Captain Bligh and map

Fiji, 1970, Bligh & longboat

French Polinesie, 1983, Bligh, Roud map and Breadfruit

Isle of Man, 2006, William Bligh

Maldives, 1989, William Bligh, «Bounty»

Norfolk Island, 2000, Captain Bligh

Pitcairn island, 1940/1951, Captain Bligh, «Bounty»

Pitcairn island, 1967, Bligh and «Bounty»'s Launch

Pitcairn island, 1969, Bligh and Chronometer

St. Helena Island, 1986, William Bligh, HMS «Resolution»

Tonga, 1984, Captain Bligh, HMS «Bounty»

Tonga, 1999, William Bligh, «Bounty»


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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