Napoleon Bonaparte and his epoch
Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

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The directory «Plots of stamps in the catalogue»

Barclay de Tolly (Áàðêëàé-äå-Òîëëè) Michael Bogdanovitch

Barclay de Tolly (Áàðêëàé-äå-Òîëëè) Michael Bogdanovitch (1761—1818)

Russian General. Of Scottish descent, Mikhail Barclay de Tolly began his years of service for Russia as an army private and waited 14 years before becoming an officer. He rose through the commissioned ranks with success against the Poles, Swedes and Turks and became a junior general in 1799. Barclay de Tolly saw more fighting at Pultusk and Eylau,... More...

Estonia, 2011, Michael Barclay de Tolly

Great Britain, 1989, Barclay de Tolly, Macquarie and McDonald

Guinea Bissau, 2012, Stamps with Russian Tsars

Kyrgyzstan, 2012, Monument on Borodino field

Kyrgyzstan, 2012, Triumphal Arc in Moskow

Russia, 2002, Russian troops entering Paris, 1814

Russia, 2002, Barklay Monument near Kazan Cathedrals

Russia, 2004, Smolensk, 1812

Russia, 2011, Kazan Cathidral, monuments to Kutuzov and Barclay de Tolly

Russia, 2011, Michael Barclay de Tolly

USSR, 1962, Barclay de Tolly, Kutuzov and Bagration

Estonia, 2011.11.20, Tallinn. Michael Barclay de Tolly

Russia, 2011.09.09, Moskow. Michael Barclay de Tolly

Russia, 2011.09.09, Sankt-Petersburg. Michael Barclay de Tolly

Russia, 2002, Stamps to 300th Anniv of Sankt-Peterburg

Russia, 2002, Stamps with Aleksander I

Russia, 2012, Smolensk, 1812

USSR, 1990, Panorama «Borodino Battle», monument of Kutuzov

Russia, 1995.05.06, Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle», statue of Kutuzov

Russia, 2001, The Council of War at Fili

USSR, 1953.03.18, The Council of War at Fili

USSR, 1962.09.01, The Council of War at Fili

USSR, 1978.01.09, Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle»

USSR, 1978.12.22, Kutuzov monument in Moskow

USSR, 1982.09.23, Museum-Panorama «Borodino Battle»


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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