Dmitry Karasyuk's author's project

Philatelia.Net / Fragments of Russian History / Catalogues /

The directory «Catalogues»

Michel Ganzsachen

Belarus, 2003, 175th Birth Anniv of Rameiko-Gurko

Poland, 1960, Tombstone of Władysław II Jagiełło

Poland, 1983, Stefan Batory

Poland, 1997, Władysław II Jagiełło

Poland, 1999, Sigismund III Waza

Poland, 2001, Stanisław August Poniatowski

Russia, 1993, Film «Admiral Nakhimov»

Russia, 1999, 125th Birth Anniv of Tarle

Russia, 2000, Scene from opera «Boris Godunov»

Russia, 2000, Birth Centenary of sculptor Tomsky

Russia, 2001, 225th Anniv of Bolshoy theatre

Russia, 2008, 150th anniv. First Russian stamp

Russia, 2008, Sergey Stroganov

Russia, 2008, Solzhenitsyn, Solovetsky Monastery

Russia, 2009, Bicentenary of Russian Stock Market

Russia, 2009, Nikolay Rumyantsev

Russia, 2009, Banknots with Catherine II

Russia, 2009, Nikolay Muravyov-Amursky

Russia, 2009, Bicentenary of Transport University, St. Petersburg

Russia, 2010, Mikhail Mikeshin, the monument «Millenium of Russia»

Russia, 2010, Banknots with Catherine II

Russia, 2010, Banknots with Peter ! and Dmitry Donskoy

Russia, 2010, Nikolay Yusupov

Russia, 2011, Banknots with Peter ! and Dmitry Donskoy, words of Aleksandr II

Russia, 2011, 300th anniv of the town Lomonosov (Oranienbaum)

Russia, 2011, Stepan Nechaev, monument on Kulikovo field

Ukraine, 1994, De Ribas Monument in Odessa

Ukraine, 1996, Millennary of town Polonnoe

Ukraine, 1996, 275th anniv of Donbass

Ukraine, 1998, Vasiliy Karazin

Ukraine, 1998, Ivan Fedorov

Ukraine, 1998, Monument to Boyan in Novgorod-Seversky

Ukraine, 1998, Monument to Boyan in Novgorod-Seversky

Ukraine, 1998, 500th Anniv of Lviv Cronicle

Ukraine, 1999, 900 anniv of Seversky kindom

Ukraine, 1999, Osip De Ribas

Ukraine, 2000, 250th anniv of Dniprodzerzhinsk

Ukraine, 2001, 225th anniv of Dnipropetrovsk

Ukraine, 2001, Nestor

Ukraine, 2001, Sviatoslav Yaroslavich

Ukraine, 2001, Golovaty monument

Ukraine, 2002, Nestor

Ukraine, 2003, Bicentenary of Kherson region

Ukraine, 2005, 650th anniv of Vinnitsa

Ukraine, 2006, Ostrozhkaya Biblia

Ukraine, 2006, 1500th anniv of Buzhsk

Ukraine, 2008, 850th Anniv of Snyatin

Ukraine, 2008, 225th anniv of Sevastopol

Ukraine, 2008, 1020th Anniv of baptizing of Russia

USSR, 1987, War ship «Pallada»

DDR, 1980, Heinrich Schliemann

Germany, 1939, Frederick II

Moldova, 1999.12.21, Monument in Memory of the Battle of River Kagul

Moldova, 2002.10.23, Nicolae Milescu

Moldova, 2008.03.21, Bust of Dimitrie Cantemir

Poland, 1967, Sigismund III Column

Poland, 1967, Sigismund III Column

Poland, 1985, The Battle of Racławice

Poland, 1985, Waclaw Boratynski, stamps

Poland, 1996, Tadeusz Kosciuszko

Poland, 2001, Stefan Batory

Poland, 2001, Władysław IV Waza

Poland, 2002, Augustus II the Strong

Russia, 1998, Shaliapin as Boris Godunov

Russia, 1999, Pozharsky Monument in Suzdal

Russia, 2001, 125th Birth Anniversary of Ivan Bilibin

Russia, 2004, Scenes from film «Minin and Pozharsky»

Russia, 2006, Birth Bicentenary of admiral Kornilov

Russia, 2007, Aleksander Stroganov, Kazan cathedral

Russia, 2008, Borodin, «Prince Igor»

Russia, 2009, Ambassadors of Nizhni Novgorod at Pozharsky

Russia, 2009, 225th Birth Anniv of Grigory Orlov

Russia, 2009, Covering of monument of Peter I

Ukraine, 1994, De Ribas Monument in Odessa

USSR, 1990, 400th Anniv of Saratov


© 2003-2025 Dmitry Karasyuk. Idea, preparation, drawing up
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