The directory «Plots»
Tolstoy (Òîëñòîé) Lev Nikolaevich
Tolstoy was born at Yasnaya Polyana, the family estate situated in the region of Tula, Russia. He was the fourth of five children in his family. His parents died when he was young, so he was brought up by relatives. Tolstoy studied law and Oriental languages at Kazan University in 1844, but never earned a degree. He returned in the middle of his... More...
Abkhazia, 2002, Lev Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev
Abkhazia, 2002, Lev Tolstoy, Ivan Turgenev
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb administration), 2003, Lev Tolstoy
Bulgaria, 1978, Lev Tolstoy
Czechoslovakia, 1953, Lev Tolstoy
Czechoslovakia, 1953, Lev Tolstoy
Finland, 2013, Krista Kosonen as Anna Karenina
France, 1978, Lev Tolstoy
Great Britain. Staffa, 1982, Lev Tolstoy
Guinea, 2001, «Anna Karenin»
Guinea, 2008, Lev Tolstoy
Guinea, 2012, Stamps with writers
Guyana, 1999, Death of Lev Tolstoy and Mark Twain
Hungary, 1948, Lev Tolstoy
India, 1978, Lev Tolstoy
Moldova, 2008, Lev Tolstoy
Mozambique, 2011, Lev Tolstoy (Ilya Repin)
Niger, 1999, Lev Tolstoy play chess
Rumania, 1960, Lev Tolstoy
Sao Tome e Principe, 2010, Lev Tolstoy
Sao Tome e Principe, 2010, Lev Tolstoy with Child
Sierra Leone, 2001, Strider
USSR, 1935, Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1935, Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1935, Lev Tolstoy's statue
USSR, 1953, Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1954, Monument «To the flooded ships», words of Tolstoy
USSR, 1956/1957, Lev Tolstoy, «War and Peace»
USSR, 1960, Lev Tolstoy, his Moskow residence
USSR, 1960, Lev Tolstoy, Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1960, Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1964, Golubkina, sculpture of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1978, Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1982, Tale of the Two Muzhiks (Lev Tolstoy)
Vatican, 2010, Anna Karenina
Bosnia & Herzegovina (Serb administration), 2003.09.25,
Banja Luka. Lev Tolstoy's Signature
Bulgaria, 1978.09.09,
Sofia. Lev Tolstoy
Czechoslovakia, 1953.12.29.,
Prague. 125th Birth Anniv of Lev Tolstoy
France, 1978.04.15,
Paris. Lev Tolstoi
India, 1978.09.09,
Mysore. Lev Tolstoy
India, 1978.10.20,
New Deli. Lev Tolstoy
Moldova, 2004.03.03,
Chisinau. Lev Tolstoy
Schekino. Museum «Yasnaya Polyana»
Russia, 2003.09.06,
Lev Tolstoy. Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2008.09.09,
Kazan. Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2008.09.09,
Yasnaya Polyana. Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1960.11.20,
Moskow. Memory Day of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1960.11.20,
Tula. Death Centenary of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1960.11.20,
Yasnaya Polyana. Death Centenary of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1971.06.10,
Yasnaya Polyana. 50th anniv of Museum
USSR, 1978.09.09,
Lev Tolstoy station. 150th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1978.09.09,
Moskow. 150th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1978.09.09,
Tula. 150th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1978.09.09,
Yasnaya Polyana. 150th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1988.09.09,
Moskow. 160th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
Bulgaria, 1978,
Leo Tolstoy
Bulgaria, 1978,
Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2003,
Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2004,
Tolstoy's museum in Yasnaya polyana
Russia, 2006,
Films of Sergey Gerasimov
Russia, 2008,
Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2008,
Words of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1957,
Tolstoy's house in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1957,
Park in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1957,
Park in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1959,
Tolstoy's house in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1959,
Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1960,
Lev Tolstoy monument in Moskow
USSR, 1960,
Lev Tolstoy monument in Moskow
USSR, 1965,
Scene from film «War and Peace»
USSR, 1966,
Scene from film «War and Peace»
USSR, 1969,
Klini Alley in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1969,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1971,
Klini Alley in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1971,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1972,
Yasnaya Polyana. Big Pond
USSR, 1975,
Lev Tolstoy Monument in Moskow
USSR, 1977,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1978,
Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1978,
Lev Tolstoy Monument in Tula
USSR, 1979,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1980,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1980,
Lev Tolstoy Monument in Starogladovskoy
USSR, 1984,
Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1985,
Lev Tolstoy Monument in Tula
USSR, 1988,
Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1988,
Sculpture of Lev Tolstoy
Russia, 2001,
Birth Centenary of Actor Iliinsky
Russia, 2012,
Nikolay Gritsenko as Alexey Karenin
USSR, 1930,
Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1969.09.08,
Lev Tolstoy's museum in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1977.01.24,
Lev Tolstoy monument in Tula
USSR, 1978,
150th Birth anniv of Lev Tolstoy
USSR, 1979.08.10,
Lev Tolstoy's museum in Yasnaya Polyana
USSR, 1984.07.02,
Lev Tolstoy's museum in Yasnaya Polyana